CIHS Residential and Landscape Construction Projects


Retaining Wall Project

10/24/07 - Students in Mr. Gray's Construction class built new retaining walls in the front of the school.  The walls which were started in the fall of 2007 were built around the staircases at the front entrance of the school.  Students were educated in the process which involved surveying the site, taking measurements with a transit, design, estimating, and construction.  The most difficult task that the students had was the setting of the (550) 85 pound Versa-Loc block into place.  Special thanks goes to Dagostino Building Block of Rotterdam for their help with the block, and Carver Sand and Gravel for the donation of base stone. 



Race Track Project

6/15/05 - The Construction Engineering class constructed a modular R/C track.  The track is panelized and can be assembled in 12 different configurations, ranging from a round track to a Bristol -Shaped speedway with banks and strait-a-ways.  The racing surface is 6 feet wide and the track has a maximum size of 18' X 40', depending on the configuration.  The race track was used for Project Street-stock which are 1:10 scale electric cars built in the Principles of Engineering class. 


The track was a hit at Technopalooza on June 11th, 2005!